
Aberdeen Hash House Harriers AGPU happens once a year in mid September.

The date and proceedings are decided by the incumbent committee.

2023 - 2024 

Grand Master - Shaky

Responsible for all day to day activities of AberdeenH3. 

Joint Mistresses - Ten Brulee & Gingervitis

Assists the mismanagement as required. 

Hash Cash - Toy Boy Tom

Collection of agreed run fees.

 On Sec - Little Shit

Contact to/from other hashes,  Administers Google email group, website, Social Media sites (FB etc). Maintains historical run records.

Head Hare - Tickbait & Skippy

Organises Hares to lay trails.

 Hash Beer - Ballerina & Hippo

Acquires and dispenses AberdeenH3 liquid refreshments.

Haberdasher - Underlay

Orders awards & other haberdashery.

RAs -  Twizzle & Aids 

"Do not let the truth get in the way of a good story